ITR-6 Form Filing
Market Price: | |
Filing CA Price: | ₹8250/- excl. GST |
₹9735/- incl. GST | |
You Save: | ₹3750/- (31%) |
Complete By: | within 7 days from payment |
It is applicable to a company, other than a company claiming exemption under section 11 (exemption under section 11 can be claimed by charitable/religious trust).
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Who can use ITR – 6?
Form ITR – 6 can be used by a company, other than a company claiming exemption under section 11 (charitable/religious trust can claim exemption under section 11).
Who cannot use ITR – 6?
Form ITR – 6 cannot be used by a company claiming exemption under section 11 (charitable/religious trust can claim exemption under section 11).